A World Without You is a coming-of-age interactive fiction that features loss and relationship bonds. You play as a terminally ill eighteen-year-old whose time is running out, your family decided to move to make your numbered days more comfortable. 

The story is currently being rewritten.

Playlist Ko-Fi

You’re an ill eighteen-year-old kid with a rare medical condition. When you had first been diagnosed, the hospital have become your home. Everyone and you knew the fact that—you’re dying. It was no struggle to understand that your life is running on a timer. Years of hope, prayers, and treatments had never worked on increasing your life span instead it delays your impending death. You had settled for resignation and lost your will along the way.

Until the doctor informed you that the sand of your hourglass is going to hit its mark soon, everything changed. You and your family had moved to a small quiet town with its glory of nature green and fresh air where you plan to rest and spend your final remaining time you have left in peace.

But when the town’s latest arrival has come in to intrude in your life in such a metamorphic way in your dimmest moment. They won’t make it easy for you to get the peace and silence you wanted. Still, you couldn’t comprehend what they see in you to want to be your friend.

Someday you’ll understand that it’s no life to live without hope, but you understand that one day there’ll be…

A bubbly, and energetic college student who has just arrived to stay with their grandmother after taking a year off from school. They have a penchant for always wearing a wide, gleeful dimpled smile and radiating positive energy wherever she goes.

Springy and easy-going, they always don a gleeful dimpled smile. For some reason they can’t seem to leave you alone, no matter how much you try—you can’t seem to get rid of them.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(104 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsCharacter Customization, Coming Of Age, drama, Romance, Slice Of Life, Twine
Average sessionAbout a half-hour

Development log


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I'm sorry.... but I honestly struggled to get through this.

This come's across more like the author wanted to write a book than an IF. In three whole chapters you make around ten choices... half of them aren't even from your perspective and the other half are "Hair, Skin, Eyes" Etc's. We have *No* agency over "our" character other than the initial customisation and maybe *two* choice's. They have entire conversation's and argument's that we have no input on whatsoever and then we have to go through a whole self-loathing thing and lashing out at people, which again, we have no input in whatsoever.

Then the story?? It's all over the place, we play as "our" character maybe three times? Half of the interactions is from other character's POV's. And the weird time jumps? One second we're meeting Damin and then the next the author has some time of time-skip with jus a "This is what happened during that time" and that's it? suddenly he's apparently really close with our family and we're having a huge argument? 

it's reads as an extremely rushed book that jumps from one thing to the next with no input from the reader. The premise is is beautiful and I was looking forward to reading it, but the way it's presented...


How are you author? I noticed you deactivated on tumblr. Hope you're doing okaay.

(1 edit) (+4)

The fate is so cruel. 

I'm in the chapter 2, they finally mentioned the name of Mc father, I'M CRYING 😭 People, how much could be the coincidence of naming the MC as the father? Short answer= I did, I'm in shock to get exactly in the name, I can only feel pain (This small coincidence only make things more tragic and sad to me)




Just wanted to say, loved this, I really am excited for the supposed update this summer. And I am utterly willing to pay money for a finished product of such quality. 


hii! will u still update the demo or the rest would only be available when it's released?


the story refers to damin as a guy even though I chose a girl, and my mother calls me clover even though I chose a different name


will this be updated next year?:33


Is this still being worked on? I would love to play more of this, I loved it :)


The writing is done.  I’m just working on it quietly, but all I can say is that AWWY is coming in the summer.

(2 edits) (+2)

As someone who can fiercely relate to the mc, medically screwed from birth and then some. I gotta say... this hits. I don't know if I love it or hate it yet lol. But i hope you keep working on it. 

Writing from a place of experience? Not firsthand, I hope. 

You hit the bullseye with the "so proud of you" out of the blue. Often family, and sometimes even my doctors, will bring whatever else is going on to say they are proud, or how brave and strong I am (to them), with so much going on. It never stops feeling weird because what others percieve as... those things are really just us sickly folk going through the motions. Sometimes for family's sake, less often for ourselves, we just learn how to be active, attentive patients, listen to our bodies, etc. There isn't really an alternative that isn't basically "die even faster". So responding to that sort of thing is... really hard most of the time. Although it's super-validating coming from like.. a surgeon who sees many other patients taking time to note how much it must be and all...

 And the ad-nauseam of the times when people ask if one is okay, nailed that. At times i will ask after someone, gasp at something or even just sigh and the big worries close to me jump in, alarm written on their face and in their voice, "what!?what is it/what's wrong!?" sometimes a sigh is just a sigh lol.


Oh god i wasnt even done with the... demo? The wanting to apologize part. That hits so ****ing real. MASSIVE guilt complex in my case, all the money we cost, being less (or not at all) able to contribute or be self-sufficient. The scares each new condition or procedure or brush with death gives everyone. I need to shut up now 🤐

Chronic fatigue, bleed troubles, rando as heck pains and fevers, every day a battle. It's an odd sortof comforting reading about something I can relate to. Feels less lonely knowing you, author-sama, or someone you know..knew? had close enough to the same ti be able to pen this so well. 

Thank you.


Thank you so much! This means a lot to me, AWWY is a personal project and it really means a lot to me.


You're very welcome. It's hard to velieve the subjtects/topics and care with which you portray them could br anything BUT personal. 😌


A steadily, beautifully developing book, with gorgeous illustrations. I throroughly enjoy the use of alternative perspectives throughout the story, not only for the characterisation that it provides but also for the clever use of it towards the end of the current build to make you curious about what happened, then switching to the POV of the characters that it happened to, as you watch it unfold. This is utter perfection in writing, I was stricken by just how much I became immersed in the character's shoes; and that's the result of impressive writing talent!

Thank you very much <3


god this literally made me cry



I'm so excited for more!! 

They're all so sweet, Damin is so relatable??

I wanna keep going, and cry loads when the end come., what I'm even doing to myself?

Thanks for sharing this amazing world with us readers/players, this is just so perfect! It's a great job and i have no words to describe my feelings but yet here I am writing.

Gonna sob like a little kid if anything happens to my boys and their families 


Thank you so much 😊 


I love it! Great job. The rewrite is wonderful and I'm excited for Chapter 3

hhaaa the last chapter was three but still thanks 😊 


do you have someone to read through and correct any mistakes? If not I think it would be a good idea to have someone other than yourself do that so as to see errors you might not have noticed. Great job so far


I’m planning for people to beta test it soon after I finish rewriting. But thank you 😊 


This is an amazing game, congratulations!
I would like to discuss with you the subject of localization to French for your game. Would you be interested?


I would love that! But right now I need to focus on finishing the story first. 

Thank you for your reply!
Here is our portfolio if you need to contact us and see our work! https://quokkalokalize.notion.site/Quokka-Lokalize-a454fedaa4364819b7b472f81969e...
Do you have any contact info?
Feel free to contact us when you think your story is done!

You can contact me in my tumblr account. The link is on the top. I’ll give you my discord account.

Great, it would be with pleasure.

I just sent you a message on tumblr!


There's a few times where genders aren't working and a few misshaps with a few sentences but other than that it's great

Thank you! I had already fixed them but I’ll update it once I finish with the rewrite.


i love it so much! i love the feels i almost cried but i know once the full game release i will definitely cry.

Thank you sm! 💗 


Pain. Agony. Indescribable s u f f e r i n g. I’m not prepared for the ending-


I’m not even prepared huhuhuhu😭

(2 edits) (+2)

Damn, this game made me dehydrated from my eyes. This game hurts to play but is beautiful at the same time. Excellent project. I just had one problem, every time that Damin pronouns shows it has a error like: $ro_gender and $Ro_them.

don’t worry I had already got that. I’m planning to update it on the full game’s release. Thank you 💖💗✨


each replay is just as engaging and amazing as the last 

thank you for blessing us with this 😩


thank you so much!


This is hurting me, the way the MC just accepting their illness and just...wait for the illness takes over their life, they gave up on life and just there waiting. This game is well done and can't wait for the full game :')

thank you💗💖✨



Anytime I replay this, It makes me sad in a good way! :D

thank you!


I just finished reading this and i wanted to say that this was phenomenal!!! It kind of gives me Your Lie in April vibes and Damin is such a funny and sweet character. Awesome job and I can't wait to read the full story.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much! I can't wait to release it. Don't remind me of Your Lie in April, it makes me so emotional, and to be compared with such a masterpiece makes me smile.


God, Its the final release for this demo and i know that the full game comes out next year(?) I genuinely am not ready for this sht. I avoid tragedy like the plague but am very magnetized to this story like a moth to a flame

also, is the full game pay-to-play sort of deal? (I dont mind paying anyways)

Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed my story. The. full game is free to play, don’t worry!

(1 edit) (+2)

I like what I'm reading so far but, I feel that the writing. could be improved... I feel that some parts are worded a bit awkwardly but I'm not that good or proficient at grammar/English so maybe it could just be me lol. 

Also, I don't know if I missed anything but I believe that Damin had not personally introduced themselves yet or that we knew of their name anywhere before meeting them, but the text just casually mentions their name as if we already knew their name? 

Nevertheless I hope you don't take any offense to my comment, it's not my intentions to .. I really like what you have going here and I'm looking forward to the final product :)

Thank you! I’m planning to rewrite some parts to because I feel they are off especially when they first meet Damin because it felt so rush, I should fix it.  Don’t worry it’s not rude, I appreciate that you told me about this, this will really help me a lot. Thank you!

(2 edits) (+3)

Woah... this was both hard and great to read. Knowing the end is coming is sad but it makes it all the more beautiful the protagonist's process of learning to love and enjoy life and the time they have left.

also found a bug or some bugs with Damin's gender

Thank you so much!☺️ 


Fuck I cant read this. This hurts me so much. Wish you good luck with the story but I hate how this makes me feel. :/


That’s fine. Wish you the best!


Being chronically ill myself I just couldn't help but cry so much relating to the protagonist's situation even when mine isn't terminal

Thank you for sharing that I hope you are doing well!


It was amazing. I have never cried so much (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)

Thank you!


I never felt more sad reading a book :(( 

I am in LOVE with this masterpice!!!


I think I found an error while playing just wanted to let you know 👀

thank you! I’ll fix that and will be out in the next update.


Each update makes me cry. Jaune you are so cruel.😭😭😭😭😭😭


I’m honored 😌😊


Woah! This is amazing. I was actually gonna cry just in the introduction because of the music.. 

Thank you!


Have you ever played Persona 3?

The main theme of the game is death, how people cope with the loss of loved ones and how it makes life much precious.

One of the Social Links in the game (The Sun) is about a young man dying from a terminal disease. It is my favorite social link from the series and always makes me cry, so i'll probably cry at this story too, can't wait to see more.

Also, i think the household would really benefit from having a pet at some point


they need a pet after all they’ve been thru


You best believe I will be sobbing vehemently when this story finally concludes,,,,,,,,,,,




im crying haha (im in love with this story, if is not much bother, can I ask your schedule of updates?? I will waiting for the future chapters!! PS: The cliffhanger of chapter 2 lol I cant wait)

Thank you for your hard work!


I do not have a schedule for it but I can assure you that the full game will be updated next.


Excellent chapter!



Her mouth reminds you of Seven-Eleven, they never seem to close.

as someone from Indonesia, this jokes makes me laugh harder than it should.



T-T this is so sad and relatable at the same time...



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